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Bride Will Only Try On Lazaro Dresses | Say Yes To The Dress America

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This bride and her entourage agree that a Lazaro dress is the way forward however, will they come to an agreement as to what fit the dress should be.
Catch Say Yes to the Dress on TLC – Sky 133, Virgin 162, BT TV 323

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    1. BunnySlippers

      You have to get the huge ball gown out of the way. It’s like some rite of passage when you start shopping for your wedding dress. Then you can concentrate on what you really want. Of course, even if you go into the process *hating* the very thought of that huge ball gown, it’s possible you will find out that it’s perfect for you. Or not. That’s why the consultants keep telling their customers to keep an open mind.

    1. Thomas Deanna

      I don’t really know how it sound when i say such thing here, I’ve been searching for help on how to get rid of my ex lover that broke up with me 5 months ago and scamming me of my hard earn money .. I was traumatized by the incidence and nearly wanted to commit suicide because i was left with nothing but i thank God that i got the contact of Ogbeifun the spiritual father that helped me to get ride of my ex lover that scammed me after much searching of help from different places. When i got in touch with Dr Ogbeifun, i explained everything to him and he gave me his words of encouragement and told me what i wanted, if i need him back or i need revenge and i told him i want him dead because the wicked must not go unpunished so Ogbeifun help me cast a death spell on him and within 48 hours my ex lover was found dead in his apartment with a suicide note and since that day i became a happy woman and now i have regain all that i have lost in the past with the help of Dr Ogbeifun. If you need any assistance whatsoever like getting cured from sickness, getting pregnant, spell of various type E.T.C. Then, I suggest that you get in touch with Lord noble now through his Email ID: ogbefunhearlingtemple@ gmail. com call or add him on whatsapp +2348102574680

    1. GAgaV8

      Are the episodes on yt? I watched so many but never seen the dress. It’s unique and could look stunning on someone with 1920 flair and body shape. I think she’s a bit to curvy for the dress, which adds up to dress being too much.

  1. Drew Moxley

    I’m kinda shocked at all the mean comments! This was such a fun experience with one of my best friends, and so many people are really sour.

    Anyways- thanks Say Yes To The Dress for making my best friend feel like a QUEEN. What a great time ?

    1. human or machine?

      @SASSY13169 Maybe you and your husband should get out more or at least watch popular media. A lot of women and men speak this way, especially those from parts of California. The “Valley Girl” accent has been pervasive in pop culture for literally decades.

    2. The Fun Teacher

      Drew Moxley I loved all of you in the video! She looked stunning! You’re such an awesome friend. It was such a wholesome video to watch. Who are they to decide what sounds fake or not? I only saw heart felt joy, and true friendship.

    1. Sophie N

      RIIIIGHT! Some people are just too negative with how they view the world. Making fun of people who are happy sharing a special family moment with the world. Pickled peaches this lot is lol

    2. human or machine?

      I didn’t even really notice their voices until people pointed it out. The “valley girl” accent has been pervasive in pop culture and the media for decades, so I honestly don’t understand why people are acting like they’ve heard people from certain parts of California speak before.

    1. skaterboy3718

      I appreciated all the work and details of the second dress. I think the second dress really suited the bride well and she seemed happy. It was not white and yes it has not quite so traditional wedding but i sense it made her happy and feel good and that is so key. I can be shallow too and I do think there are aesthetics and simply what makes you feel good and that radiates out to looking good. THe first dress the skirt in some angles made her look heavy which she isn’t.

    1. Thomas Deanna

      I don’t really know how it sound when i say such thing here, I’ve been searching for help on how to get rid of my ex lover that broke up with me 5 months ago and scamming me of my hard earn money .. I was traumatized by the incidence and nearly wanted to commit suicide because i was left with nothing but i thank God that i got the contact of Ogbeifun the spiritual father that helped me to get ride of my ex lover that scammed me after much searching of help from different places. When i got in touch with Dr Ogbeifun, i explained everything to him and he gave me his words of encouragement and told me what i wanted, if i need him back or i need revenge and i told him i want him dead because the wicked must not go unpunished so Ogbeifun help me cast a death spell on him and within 48 hours my ex lover was found dead in his apartment with a suicide note and since that day i became a happy woman and now i have regain all that i have lost in the past with the help of Dr Ogbeifun. If you need any assistance whatsoever like getting cured from sickness, getting pregnant, spell of various type E.T.C. Then, I suggest that you get in touch with Lord noble now through his Email ID: ogbefunhearlingtemple@ gmail. com call or add him on whatsapp +2348102574680

  2. Reem Khalid

    Idk why everyone is hating the second dress , I mean it might not be your cup of tea but she likes it and the first dress was also beautiful but not comfortable for her so just leave her be

    1. Karrie Dee

      Reem Khalid
      It pulled too tightly across her tummy…the first dress made her waist look tiny. Maybe they just clipped that second dress too tightly at the back to accentuate shape but it wasn’t flattering. But yes, absolutely the dress is her choice & her friends loved it. Who wouldn’t love friends like that who are so supportive and thrilled? It’s nice to see supportive happy “wowed” friends rather than someone who takes the wind out of the bride’s sails…

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