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Freestyle Rapper spits about Random Girl’s Yoga Pants

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Surprising strangers with his unbelievable freestyles, rapper Chris Turner spreads good vibes and hilarious raps around the ski town of Crested Butte, which hasn't seen a COVID case in 3 weeks. Taking suggestions of words and objects to rap about, Chris blows minds with his quick and funny freestyles.

He meets the irrepressible and charming Carly, who dances while Chris raps about her yoga pants in rather a close up manner, trying his best not to feel like a massive creep. Then he encounters Elizabeth and Matt, a newly-married couple in their wedding dress and suit, and improvises a song about their relationship; wowing the lovebirds on their special day. After dropping some rhymes about random (potentially illegal) things from a group of friends' bags, and spitting bars about Ladybugs, Tie-Dye, and Paganism for a trio of delighted buddies; Chris finishes off with a rap about a certain 'used' product that you have to se to believe.

This is Episode 1 in a new series of live, public freestyle raps, with new rap content released every Wednesday. Make sure to like, comment, subscribe, and turn notifications on so you don't miss a second of one of the world's best freestyle rappers doing what he does best – making people laugh, smile, and ask 'How the f**k did you do that?'.


Chris Turner is an award-winning comedian, and freestyle rapper known for his viral 'White Boy Drops Unbelievable Freestyle Rap' video. Based in the USA, he wrote for the latest season of Epic Rap Battles of History and is a regular closing act at the world-famous Comedy Cellar in New York, and the Comedy and Magic Club in Los Angeles.

Book a personalised freestyle rap at
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Beats by @Bakery Beats and @Serious Beats
Filmed in Crested Butte, Colorado by Christopher Winn.


For fans of: #freestylerap #freestyle #christurner #hiphop #eminem #offthedome #freestyleraps #crestedbutte

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  1. Chris Turner

    It felt so good to be back out rapping again! Hit that like button, send it to a friend, and let me know if you want more of these videos – if you chums like them, I’ll keep them coming!

    1. Mookah

      Has Chris done Harry Macs format like this before?? Not to say Chris is copying Harry Mac, I just think Harry Mac the first to pioneer the public freestyle format raps with objects, words giving by pedestrians etc.

  2. djmandrick

    Love this format. Much more personable and easier to watch tbh. Club performing to poe faced mannequins a lot of the time must be less enjoyable for you than performing to someone in who at that moment, is obviously enjoying it as much as you are. I felt like I was just the 5th person there not watching a load of people fail to appreciate that last transition.

  3. Scott Morey

    That tampon rap was fire! ?
    Never thought I’d ever string those words together…
    I love the random objects raps the best – always blows their mind when you spit bars on some random shite in their pockets haha ?

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