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How to Find the PERFECT Leggings / Yoga Pants! Shopping Tips for Fabletics!

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Find the perfect pair of leggings or yoga pants! Today I'll show you 8 ways to instantly look BETTER in leggings and my favorite styles from Fabletics! For a limited time only, all NEW VIPs receive 70% off site wide when signing up using

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Hi my name is Ally! I'm a San Francisco based style and lifestyle YouTuber with a passion for sustainability and creativity. I'm 5'2" and love sharing petite styling tips and hacks. Subscribe to my channel for new videos every week! Join the Youtube FamAlly! ☞ SUBSCRIBE:
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Music by Epidemic Sounds
FTC: This video is sponsored by Fabletics. All opinions are my own.

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  1. FashionByAlly

    Hey friends, currently I’m traveling in Byron Bay, Australia! I filmed a fashion 101 video full of great style tips and advice on how to find the perfect pair of leggings! Share your tips down below to help each other out.

  2. Azia Ramirez

    I feel like leggings and most work out clothes are made for already skinny people only. I have a hard time feeling comfortable with working out when I have nothing to wear but a baggy t shirt and basketball shorts.

    1. Azia Ramirez

      @Florence Adeosun This is the most encouraging thing someone has ever told me in years. I am 5’4. 227 pounds. All of my weight is around my stomach, thighs, and butt. I have cellulite, and surgery scars. I do get camel toe sometimes. I just am always embarrassed by my body. I am size 18 I think. But thank you so much for making me feel better about me size.

    2. Florence Adeosun

      @Azia Ramirez Why would you feel humiliated wearing leggings?
      I have tons of friends and family that are size 16,18, 20 that wear leggings to all the time (you seem smaller than them, but I honestly can’t really tell from a profile pic). If you’re concern about finding your size, Fabletics goes to size 22 and pop fit goes to 26. If its cellulite (which you shouldn’t be very self conscious of since most women have it) I would go for a higher compression. If it’s cameltoe, I would avoid leggings with front seams. If it’s height, fabletics has a tall/short option. If it’s monetary, Fabletics has 2 for $24 legging for new VIP (You can call/use the online chat to cancel the membership immediately after your purchase).
      I do think that leggings do look best on people that are “slim thick” with big butts and small waists. But that shouldn’t stop us flat booty, tall booty, short booty, square booty, wide booty girls from wearing leggings as well. 🙂

  3. Kara

    Would love to see how to style hoodies also I love leggings and yoga so much I wish I had some purple leggings yay! Love you Ally! Also would also love to find some active topwear like crop tops as well. Am Def going to be checking out Fabletics yay!

    1. FashionByAlly

      Thank you so much for watching my video! It was such a joy to style colorful leggings! ? I used to think athletic wear only came in monochromatic colors and I love the variety and styles now

  4. Kara

    Hi Ally, love this video, so Ive been wondering I’ve been wanting to start wearing more trendy and revealing clothes but I’m kinda scared on going to that style and edge. So I was just wondering if you could help give me some advice on ways to get start the more whole trendy/revealing style thanks!

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