let’s discuss “flared leggings” vs yoga pants
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yes I just spent almost 30 mins overthinking leggings… // Click HERE to get Vessi's Early Black Friday Sale and use my code "Tiffany" to get $25 off your Vessi shoes if you miss the sale! Free shipping to CA, US, AUS, NZ, JP, TW, KR, SGP.
#internetanalysis #flaredleggings #flareleggings
0:00 – intro / gen z are calling yoga pants "flared leggings"
2:06 – Emma Chamberlain's impact
3:13 – shout out to Vessi!
4:29 – for context… the history of leggings
6:29 – Please, Never Wear Leggings Again
7:33 – 2007… leggings prime time
8:45 – layering leggings under skirts, dresses, etc.
10:35 – the "leggings aren't pants" panic
14:27 – leggings & yoga pants banned (dress code)
15:38 – the Victoria's Secret yoga pants era
17:06 – are "flared leggings" valid
17:30 – leggings vs yoga pants (polls)
18:17 – what are leggings?
18:49 – what are yoga pants?
20:17 – I need a venn diagram for this
21:05 – honorable mention: gauchos
21:35 – honorable mention: soft funky bell bottom pants!
21:58 – why are flared pants so popular rn?
23:01 – where did the term "flared leggings" come from?
23:38 – in conclusion…
24:50 – ps I tested positive
Styling Yoga Pants & Uggs like Emma Chamberlain –
The Little Known History of Leggings (article) –
Please, Never Wear Leggings Again (article / blog) –
The second life of leggings (Angie's blog) –
What the Fashion: A Retrospective on the Denim Skirt –
The lowdown on leggings (Angie's blog) –
How I Style: Yoga Pants (Rose Wood) –
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Hello my dudes! My name is Tiffany Ferguson. I’m a 25 year old sharing my thoughts and life experiences. Here on Tiffanyferg, my main series is called Internet Analysis, where I research and discuss topics related to social issues and media.
Business Inquiries: tiffanyferguson@select.co
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My dad getting upset in 2013 when he discovered the “half shirts” he wore in the 80s were the cool new thing and called crop tops
let’s continue the “flared leggings” vs yoga pants debate!! // Thanks to Vessi for sponsoring today’s video! Click HERE https://www.vessi.com/tiffany to get Vessi’s Early Black Friday Sale and use my code “Tiffany” to get $25 off your Vessi shoes if you miss the sale! Free shipping to CA, US, AUS, NZ, JP, TW, KR, SGP
(time stamps below)
0:00 – intro / gen z are calling yoga pants “flared leggings”
2:06 – Emma Chamberlain’s impact
3:13 – shout out to Vessi!
4:29 – for context… the history of leggings
6:29 – Please, Never Wear Leggings Again
7:33 – 2007… leggings prime time
8:45 – layering leggings under skirts, dresses, etc.
10:35 – the “leggings aren’t pants” panic
14:27 – leggings & yoga pants banned (dress code)
15:38 – the Victoria’s Secret yoga pants era
17:06 – are “flared leggings” valid
17:30 – leggings vs yoga pants (polls)
18:17 – what are leggings?
18:49 – what are yoga pants?
20:17 – I need a venn diagram for this
21:05 – honorable mention: gauchos
21:35 – honorable mention: soft funky bell bottom pants!
21:58 – why are flared pants so popular rn?
23:01 – where did the term “flared leggings” come from?
23:38 – in conclusion…
24:50 – ps I tested positive
I’m so sorry! You are in my thoughts. You’re so sweet and awesome, just keep faith in yourself ❤
I hope you feel better soon! I’m glad to hear you’re doing okay. Maybe you could reach out to your professors and tell them you tested positive for Covid and need an extension for your exams? You shouldn’t have to stress out about studying and should be able to focus on your health.
get better soon!
angie’s character development >>
@Camille Alyse i wonder where rebbeca is, she was so fired up about leggings
i wonder where the queen is today and what she would say about flared leggings.
i love your videos jordan 🙂
this comment made me laugh out loud
Omg Jordan! Love your videos
i genuinely hope someone that knows rebecca harrington sends this video to her
Lol I just commented and said anyone who was unironically using the word “dealio”, their opinion on what’s in style should not be taken seriously haha
@ArtemisScribe her writing style’s blunt in a nice way. the snippet I read from one of her books made me chuckle.
@sweet pea bee geologists always need more pockets for all their fun rocks!
@tiffanyferg im wheezing haha
@sweet pea bee Fortunately they make leggings with pockets now so we can keep our phones close to us in the gym/on a run or whatever else we need to put in there.
Wait…how did I not know “flared leggings” were YOGA PANTS!!! My sister literally owned a yoga studio ? I’m disappointed in myself. Thank you for bringing this to light ??
@Google_ Me you’re not very nice
You’re not very smart?
you can’t leave out jeggings, they’re a huge part of the “leggings aren’t pants” panic!
Jeggings are pants though
I feel like this leggings trend is mostly an US American thing. Here in Europe, I barely ever see someone out with leggings, most wear either some kind of fancy adidas/nike/puma/whatever joggers, but mostly high waisted loose jeans or skinny jeans.
yess exactly i’ve only seen ppl wear leggings irl in PE class
@Esther Simons really?? that’s weird bc i live in belgium and haven’t seen them
I had pants like this as a child (late 90s and early 00s), even lined ones for autumn. My mum called them “flared leggings” (“Schlagleggings” in German) and I doubt I would have understood the term Yoga pants – not that my mum knew about that word, haha!
black skinny leggings plus adidas trainers have been the british girl uniform for years now…
I’m from Finland. If I’m not doing exercise, or on my way to excercise class, I still follow the rule of covering my butt. I love wearing stretchy dresses + black leggings under for their comfort, and have gotten so used to it I really hate it when I know I have to try and be a bit more formal and wear skinny jeans that day. I do see people wearing leggins too out there ”as pants”, athleisure does have it’s fans here, it probably dies off a little bit during the winter months. Last summer, biking short looking stretchy shorts that like cut at half thigh or above knee were super popular and girls would even wear fancy dressy tops with those things, THAT trend I really can’t understand.
Your titles are so random yet informed
@Abigail Hutchinson same but i was totally here for titties to be the actual word
@Abigail Hutchinson lmfaoo same
@Abigail Hutchinson im so glad im not the only one
@Abigail Hutchinson same ?
@Abigail Hutchinson same here
If you want to be up-to-date on this trend, don’t search for “flared leggings“ because the name of Emma and other younger influencers being attached to it will inflate the price, if you want loose leggings, just search for yoga pants so you needn’t pay for the name.
I feel like the term “flared leggings” is way a more palatable term than “yoga pants.” The term “yoga pants” connotes 30 yr old mom picking up her kid from school. “Flared leggings” sounds trendy and fashion forward.
yoga pants sounds awful anyways lol
Also, I don’t like the yoga connotation, many of us who wear leggings are not athletic lol
To everyone who is saying BOO to flared leggings…in a few years, you will be the “Amanda” in someone else’s video.
Describing women’s thighs as “cottage cheese” is so beyond disgusting I don’t even know what to say
@Little Flor but I bet he was being swwet and not offensive :3
@Personne Ici it’s literally just because of the way the female body stores fat
Almost every woman has some cellulite
being fat or even slightly overweight 15 years ago was a nightmare
My ex told me my bum felt like a chewitt ( sweets in uk, not sure if they still exist). He said it affectionately though so it made me feel better about all the stretch marks etc
“if they dont have pockets theyre not pants” well there goes 80% of womens fashion
We need more pockets ???
i’m immensely uncomfortable with the amount of men who were making “leggings aren’t pants” videos lmaoo
Projecting because they were mad they thought they couldn’t wear them ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@Samantha Ann Ceballos yepppp
imagine if someone called them “stretchy trousers”. twitter millennials would lose their minds
Gen X and boomers call them stretch pants
s t r e t c h
@Carol Baskin I doubt they wanna be apart of gen z since they hate our music and fashion
@Carol Baskin they wanna live in the 80s soo bad
That’s what we call them in Russia ?
If fashion companies were the ones that started calling them flared leggings, you could look on the wayback machine to find out.
i dread the day that high-waist goes back “out of style”. I might have to become the person who looks entirely out of style just because low waist is my nightmare 🙁
Same can’t believe I used to wear super low rise! I told my mom I would never wear high waisted pants as a kid/teen lol now it’s basically all I want to wear (for years)
i hate to be the bearer of bad news but low rise is most definitely on the come back with y2k trends
I still wear low waist because they look and feel better on me than high. I don’t follow fashion.
i doubt it’ll ever really go out of fashion due to it being so flattering so i wouldn’t worry – a lot of people say the same thing you did so i imagine that would be enough people to keep it trendy x
me an intellectual: of course leggings aren’t pants they’re trousers
Yes this! pants make me think of underwear
a big brained intellectual: “no, actually, they’re ‘pantaloons'”
I swear to god, in The Netherlands flared leggings have been a ‘trend’ for 4 years now. I think at least 60% of all women between 12 and 18 have a pair. No joke, they are as popular as mom jeans. They preferably wear them with chunky-soled shoes like platform sneakers or dr Martens and a graphic t-shirt on top. They come in all sorts of different fabrics like corduroy and glitter and I almost can’t believe that they are only now becoming a thing in the US.
This is the sort of thing I’m talking about: https://www.my-jewellery.com/nl-nl/kleding/broeken/flared-broeken.html?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=NB_NL_Kleding_Broeken&utm_term=flared%20legging&utm_content=flared_legging
“you should not be wearing them if they do not have pockets like pants”
leggings with pockets: ???