Men Caught Catcalling Their Fathers in Disguise [Yoga Pants Prank]| American Justice Warriors
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In this episode we put men to the ULTIMATE TEST of DESIRE – Will guys catcall their own father wearing yoga pants? Watch what happens when these son's are taught a valuable lesson on respecting in respecting others. Stick around for the shocking ending!
Find out what happens today on American Justice Warriors – "Yoga Pants" Experiment
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American Justice Warriors, Justice Warriors, Stealing Money, Pranks, Social Experiments, hidden camera, to catch a thief, catching thieves, dishonesty, caught in the act, investigation, confrontation, scammers, Thieves, Robbers, Money Drop Test, cookie jar test, yoga pants, son checks out father, catcalling, catcall, tiktok
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We need part 2 ???
@HappyBruh Bot shut up
Awesome ??
Pls make more of these
Bruh, the men are more disturbed that their dad is wearing leggings, than the fact that they’re objectifying women…
@Lend Ment did you not read the comment
Both genders do it
@Lend Ment males in general how about everyone women do it to but it’s not shunned yes men do it way more
It’s called attraction
@Alex Ramos some women also stare at men to so don’t blame it all on men
I’m upset that the sons are more upset about the dad’s pants than them realizing the whole point of the prank.
@Kynzli Hall I don’t
these boys will never have a wife.
@Kynzli Hall nah bro I don’t care either
@Simon ・~・ seriously!? ? plz show some respect!! Women work hard too!! ?
@Alt Tik tok ok do want a cookie
They deserved that!
@WesGamingTV I don’t think so…the boys would be calling us thots or whatever.
@Kynzli Hall ik my mom didnt teach me to be a pervert but highly think that if the roles were reversed no one would say anything
@WesGamingTV that’s doesn’t mean u can’t change…that’s not an excuse. And plus I’m sure ur mom didn’t teach u how to be a pervert.?
@Kynzli Hall no we actually cant because women taught as to be this way
Why are they getting mad at their dad’s even if it’s their fault?
@Deivison Carvalho k, but that doesn’t give you the right to cat call them
@Nicole Rodriguez His dad looked thicc af not gonna lie
@Ripify who’s us? Aliens, a boy, a girl, or something else
@BobTheBlob J-J-Jr. 🙂
@Ricardo molina your name is kinda cute lol
Yea what you want Duraging
Christ shut up
keep the name of the most high holy
Lol I saw
I love how they said “you like this”?
Noice pfp
Yh lol
I love yo pfp bc I watch that movie
@Aoi Yua thank youu??
I am loving your pfp
Dad: what are u doing
Son; ?????
Son again; ?????????
700th like
most common phrases ever lol
Cheating women and men always use that sentence ??♂️
Catcalling is a wrong thing to do no matter what gender is on the side ,it makes the person feel violated so thank you for bringing attention to this.
@maisie m thank you!
@WesGamingTV it’s literally basic respect shawty
@WesGamingTV bruh I literally just wanted to thank a channel!!! Your logic is basically this :
Guy: “hey Ashley we’ve been married for 5 years so will you marry me!?
You: wow your a simp” see? Dude redditors like you make everything worse :/
its ok nice guy, you’ll get her later
@AMV any time hey thanks man!
I once found $100 on the ground, but I didn’t pick it up because I thought American justice warriors were watching
bro you have 666 likes thats creepy af
“American Justice Warriors”
“It’s not what it looks like!”
typical exuse-
Lol imagine calling your own parents thick
Can’t imagine it, it’s official parents are thiccer than their children~
Ik I’d be so uncomfortable but my dog…
Felicidades is Congratulations in Spanish lol
*Alabama intensifies*
I love how they all say “dad?”
@SANJAY MISHRA rickroll?
Me 2 brothere
The ones with his friends I would have been so embarrassed???♀️
I don’t know what it is in America, that everyone just calls the cops for no big reason.
Ok A heart was very thankful and unexpected
I think after the video they all had an argument
I don’t understand why they are getting mad at there parents when they are the one catcalling
Dad: “his mom died when he was 5 years old.. and she asked me to raise a gentleman, and that’s what i’m trying to do!”
Son: “dayum gurl! Lemme holla @ cha!”
@Brian konor im dead
Key word was “trying” ?
dAym GUrl leMME HOlla @chA
They go “dad?” Like they haven’t seen them in forever shshs