Men Try On Women’s Clothing
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Behind the video :
Women's clothes can be tricky to navigate around… We wondered how guys would fare wearing some of the most hard to wear fashion trends of the moment for women.
Credits :
Produced by Creative Nation
Music courtesy of Epidemic Sounds
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watching men try to walk in heels feels like watching a pair of baby giraffes stand up for the first time
That’s what I look like when I wear hills and I’m a girl
That is a perfect analogy for what it’s like in those damn heels.
i hate heels it’s like i’m wearing heavy sticks
Looks like a girl w no tits lol
@referral madness
So? Let her compliment the guy.
@referral madness what did she say
@referral madness I was 13 dude. That was 3 years ago lmao
“who tricked women into wearing this” – the media, men & other women. lol hilarious vid
Men wore them first!!
i want to see the curly haired guy wear crop tops on a regular basis bc he looked very cute in it
He has a nice midriff
He really said |.|
Ew no. Tf
He’d look good in a crop top with long sleeves.
alex’s nipples he’s adorable
I was so confused when I realised this wasn’t BuzzFeed XD
Gray Felix it’s Irish buzzfeed!
Grayson Tyrone i came here to cringe
Wait this isnt?
I just checked it to make sure
Wait it isn’t lol just noticed that
“Or maybe some guys find girls with deformed toes attractive?”
*China has joined the chat*
“heels can die in a fire”
“I feel like a giant hairy baby”
“who tricked women into crop tops?”
“you bend down like that & you see the whole shebang”
“Why’s it called a crop top”
“Because you’ll get cropped out of photos if you wear it out”
???I died
Awww why is the shorter haired guy insecure in that crop top? He’s so handsome!
Davey is so handsome and has a nice body! He should not feel self conscious.
KarlEuro89 he was always really self-conscious and had an eating disorder when he was younger
the guy with the curly hair actually fits in like every clothing he tried
both of them have curly hair
did u mean the one with glasses?
+Cameron Trivett agrees totally hottness ?
+Cameron Trivett agrees totally hottness ?
He is adorable in everything ?
this channel is like the good version of buzzfeed
nicholas rozwalka no hun you are not triggerd trust me 🙂
+nicholas rozwalka why
Ofc it is there’s Irish people lmao
I’ve grown strangely attached to the guys on this channel.
curly haired kid actually looks RLLY cute in the crop top
Aurora Borealis gay
I was thinking the same! 🙂
haha a reference i get yay
I think his name is Sinjin
“High heels can go burn in a fire.”
Can I kiss him for that? Would that be inappropriate?
The curly haired guy reminded me of Sinjin from Victorious.
Yes omg
Minions or Sara yes he looks like stampy
He’s also kinda how I picture Sid the sloth from ice age, if he was a human.
That’s what I was gonna say! Lmfaoo
I think he reminded us ALL of Sinjin from Victorious
I don’t know why but I love how the guy in blue shirt looks with heels and the other guy with the croptop
+La Maga de Oz Omg. In the crop top. Freaking sexy
guy with glasses looks really cute in the crop top
I thought so too! he has a cute tummy for it
you do too
Petition for leggings and crop tops to be more acceptable for ALL THE genders
I know this comment is old as balls, but this was a thing in the 80s…please don’t bring it back.
@alexandria wyles What we wear doesn’t matter. It’s our attitude while wearing it that will be attractive or not. 😉
Confidence / IDGAF attitude is attractive because it displays mental strength / independence, not folding to conform to sheeple norms. 😀
And they looked good. Even in neon pink ones with their dark copper tans and platinum bleached hair
+alexandria wyles
True men wore crop tops all the time in 70s and 80s.
Paul Olsen i like how you turned an innocent, and still correct (whether theres 2 or more ‘all’ covers them) comment, and decide to push your agenda on other people. get a life dude.
that skinny guy has a nicer stomach than me
“Why do you think it’s called a crop top?”
“Cause you’re going to get cropped out of photos if you wear it out!”