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Men’s Dress pants (how to shop for the best fit)

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In this video we talk about the broad and difficult topic of mens dress pants. We explain the different types of fits and cuts. How you should wear them. And to keep in mind your body composition. All this will help you shop for the perfect fit and look.

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  1. Alejandro Zarate

    Hey Jose wow dude I remember those days when I was just to bout to follow you bro with no hear it now in these days you keep looking great dude congrats thanks for your tips it helps me so much…???

  2. Gusher Felter

    Now I know why it is important to look at the breaks of the pants. I used too think wide ends or full breaks were covering my high arched feet, but now I know how to get just the perfect break. Thank you.

  3. Roberto Rios

    Love what your doing I’ve seen most of your videos.
    We might be able to get someone attention by the way we look but the trick is keeping the attention when we speak.
    You look good now you’ll want to sound good, your next step is to take a public speaking course plus something that will improve your pronunciation that way you will look like a gentleman and speak like one too plus it will help you with writing and editing your presentations.
    Keep it simple be your self its not about using big words or making a long speech.
    I see a great business future for you keep up the good work.

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