Men’s Jeans Fit Guide | The Best Style Jeans For Your Physique
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In this men's jeans fit guide video, I showcase each of the readily available fittings and styles of jeans for men. At the end of the men's jeans guide, I also recommend you the best options for each physique and body type.
2:26 STRAIGHT (Recommended):
3:22 SLIM FIT (Recommended):
4:08 SLIM TAPER (Recommended):
5:22 SKINNY FIT (Recommended):
6:03 SPRAY ON:
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Music: Epidemic Sounds
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You’re becoming one of my favorite men’s style YouTubers nowadays. Keep up the great content!
Ah screw this I’m wearing Shorts!
@Lazor Wulf screw this I’m not wearing anything
@Lazor Wulf bruh ?
@Lazor Wulf i give up
Lazor Wulf shorts
@Lazor Wulf Sparay on short ? Pretty much my socks would look baggy’er
Jose the type of Zuniga to..
oh wait, wrong channel
@Marcus it’s this youtubers last name oh and i’m pretty sure it’s spanish
What’s a zuniga?
@Ben Arthur lol
Jose the type of Zuniga to make 10,000 hacks videos lol
@Ben Arthur 100% accurate!
my perfect match: loose fit, boot cut and straight
I think that is very well. ?
You’ll never go wrong with slim
100% agree. Only thing I wear for Jeans and Chinos
I used to be a relaxed fit guy from my teens to my late 20’s, but now as an adult, I’m a straight fit man.
511 and 512 slim and slim taper suits me the best
Love the cord jacket, really suits you. Cords are making a comeback XD
@Ben Arthur haha, I thought they’d be right up your street with you being the dapper gentleman and all. It’s always been a bit polarising but for whatever reason it’s going through a bit of a revival right now XD. It’s the same with a lot of 90’s trends becoming fashionable again ie. biker jackets, oversized T’s and garish patterned shirts etc. Can’t say it’s something I subscribe to but it’s interesting none-the-less.
Thanks Andrew, yeah I quite like them now. Can’t say I feel the same for corduroy trousers though haha
Jeans shopping has always been a bad experience, with my thighs I always had to get loose fit jeans a couple sizes up in the waist.
you didn’t include “athletic fit”
4:13 thats my type but i always screws it sometimes little bit short or litle bit long ?
Thank you for the video now I know what to tell my tailor what I want.
Jeans I’ve been really difficult for me to find one that fits. This really helpful to learn from. I’ll give slim tapered a try, cheers.
I had this trouble but try online premier man or jacamo there great 25+ in leg and up to 50+ waist
Antispiral Thanks for the kind comment!
unfortunately it isn’t that easy. These styles only are a rough oriantation. Actual fit varies a lot with each brand and model. Same with sizes, same size might fit me perfect but other model i can’t even get in really.
Thanks Buddy! Helpful
the thing about skinny jeans… Once they are black, and i mean completely black, then they’re acceptable. Light skinny jeans are never acceptable on men imo.
@Toby Wynn I agree but I like the light gray ones with some dark shades. Black,dark and light gray are the only ones I fxck with.
Black skinny jeans are a super classic punk look . The only kind I like
ThisNamesNowTaken guess it works for me. I like guys and I love skinny and super skinny jeans. Dark and light.
@Adam Espinoza yeah like I wear light wash slim taper an skinny but if your wearing spray on that’s weird tbh
@ThisNamesNowTaken That’s a bold statement and not necessarily true. Just wear whatever you want to.
Levi’s 512 Slim Taper – check them out!
Thx my dude.
Best jeans eva
I just checked them, they are great man, thanks.
I just ordered one!
Best jeans
I like tapered jeans because i have fairly larger thighs and i hate the baggy bottoms because i like to let people see my shoes
Edit:thanks for 747 likes
You can still wear baggy jeans you just wear a chunkier shoe like a basketball shoe or something, some Jordan’s or Nike’s
@Lil Dino I think ftm is female -to-male. if I’m correct
Im football professional player, i have to wear straight cut or bootcut, because of mascular leg
@Harry you can get any type of jeans but you should go to a laundromat and get it tapered there
#1 rule of fashion: dress for the body you HAVE, not the body you WANT.
Yeah, that’s why i have a custom made one, most jeans here doesn’t fit me.
@Dante S. I mean dillon’s Advice is Alright. Being your self Is ALWAYS a nice Option Depending on the Person. Like The rule of Fashion is Being your self and Wearing what yoy like. And actually wearing Whats you.
@IcyJourneyGamer Man Just Go for it. If you wanna impress someone or like idk Dress well Keep in mind that In the Right eyes your Fits are Perfect. Although Im hella insecure with my fits I just say YOOOLOOOOOOOOO
@IcyJourneyGamer, I really relate to that. In my high school years, my mom grabs some big dress shirts and throws them into the shopping cart, thinking I’ll grow into them. Just because I’m tall and skinny, doesn’t mean it’ll magically fit me. Some fashion expert-wannabes, I swear…
@Dante S. I just meant like wear whatever you feel that you look good in because that’s usually what I do and it makes me happy but if you want to dress in clothes that other people like that’s up to you
this guy is underrated
Nah …
@Zaro GM ?
Yeah man
yeah boy !
*Ah yes Almost 1m views* *undderated*