Nike Women’s Ad – SNL
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Introducing Nike Pro-Chiller Leggings, designed for endurance, but used mostly for sitting on the couch.
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This is the most accurate commercial ever for a parody. Someone call Nike they need to market like this like yesterday.
This literally is a paid ad from nike lol
@Eskimolz yeap! It is’t hillarious
@John C J r/whoosh
@John C J no, it’s true to life.
Who knew this would be so prescient
“I can’t just put my naked butt on the couch.”
Honey, believe in yourself.
pretty much what yoga pants are anyway
@Mario M BRO ????
As nike always says, “Just do it”
Hahahahaha hahaha ?
I’m chillin in the nude at this very moment. Very fresh
What did snl know about 2020 that we didn’t …
Well, they knew it was going to be bad. But they thought it would be WWIII bad, not pandemic bad (source: the Come Back Barack music video). From the same video, there was also a throwaway line about voting for Joe Biden.
Well, the “Come Back, Barack” song said that 2020 would be a bad year (though they thought it would be because of war, not a pandemic) and the “I’d vote for Joe Biden” line eerily came true in the same way The Simpsons’ throwaway joke about Trump being president and the country being run into the ground came true.
“My FitBit says I’m dead!” I just bursted out laughing!!!
@Zuha Sajid omg this is from 2 years ago ahahah
nice name ; )
“Cause woman can do anything they want”
“And I want to do NOTHING”
My life…
I love female specific sketches. Like not enough “woman” things are poked fun at in a light hearted way. I love to see it!
@Julie Davis Year late but good for you. Oof
Women comedians are underrated. They have a gold mine of perspectives that men don’t experience or think about.
@shockofthenew no that’s not it, you just seem to think you know what the other person was saying but you’re just making an assumption, there wasn’t nothing hypocritical about what I said just using her own words against her and since you obviously can’t tell that would actually make Julie the hypocrite ?. You’re mistaking freedom of speech with I’m right your wrong because she literally is saying if you don’t like it then don’t use it, who is she to tell someone not to use something if we’re talking about freedom? Like Sarah says, education is free so your free to use it
@789raiden I don’t think you understood their comment. They were saying “since you don’t believe in feminism, I guess maybe you shouldn’t vote then.” That’s clearly sarcasm, since Julie seems to be a woman, and women are only able to vote because of feminism. They were not seriously telling Julie not to vote.
Also, supporting everyone’s freedom doesn’t mean having no opinion on anything, just robotically saying “you have a right to your views” and shutting down debate. We all have the freedom to say what we want, and everyone else has the freedom to react and disagree (like we’re all doing here). Your comment is just incredibly hypocritical… the irony of telling someone to shut up at the same time as saying we should all have the right to our opinions… Not to mention you accuse Sarah of making assumptions and immediately go on to say they’re probably a communist! Ridiculous.
Women can do anything they want and I wanna do NOTHING!
@pinkhairbean ?
@Saori Koiso ?
Seriously, I’m depressed person, so these words help me…
if this ain’t me ? but i think my depression plays a big part in it
This ain’t a parody, this is just reality
Before or after the pandemic?
Am I the only female who doesn’t really like wearing leggings to relax??
I’d rather have some super baggy sweatpants, some pajama shorts or be in underwear
Please tell me I’m not the only one
You’re not the only one.
Since Covid, I do them all.
Same, my whole goal is to find clothes that don’t touch me. Leggings are dressy.
same. i’ll wear leggings out and about bc they’re cute but i hate chilling in them. i have pets so if they rub up against my legs and i get pet hair caught in my leggings it gets sooo itchy.
As a guy, I acutely one wear the fitting work out cloths (for me) for actually working out. They are great for that. But suck for relaxing and uncomfortable So I only wear baggy sweat pants at home. Which are hard to find now since Nike makes everything smaller
I can never get enough of this skit. ?? It’s especially relatable in 2020.
Team Couch Panini
Two years later, almost to the day, it became real.
Wait what? Did Nike release this?
True to that
@ufinc no, pandemic lockdowns lol
Aidy is so adorable.
I just realized that’s Cecily narrating.
her fake accent is hilarious yet spot on
“No fear!”
“No limits.”
“No Bra! Ever!”
That line killed me??
“Because I can’t just put mah naked butt on the COUCH.” I feel ya girl
This is the perfect skit for being in quarantine. ?
I love this show! Never fails to make me laugh
” Tired from my nap ”
I felt that in a spiritual level
“leggings can be pants, pajamas and a napkin” – Kate Mckinnon
nothing but respect for my president.
@Hellwyck Why is that a pity? He is one ?⤵️
@Sloane Duys haha yup.
Spills drink on lap – VO: “With moisture wicking technology.”
@LION TAMER thats way too relatable. lmao
*”i’m tired from my nap”*
*pretty much just sums up my entire life*
Yes ?
Two years later, almost to the day, it became real.
“Women can do anything they want and I wanna do…nothing!” I’m dying.