RE: Rules for wearing yoga pants | DDD’s No. 18
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I love this! You’re awesome and completely right. You take no bullshit from people, love it ??
You are so right!!! Regardless to what people think or say we are free to wear what ever we want. Love your video!
56 mins in lmaooooo, gets me every time. I love Hart. Binge watching daily dose of dimples. I remember these when they first came out, years ago. <3 I've been watching Hart since I was 19, I'm 24 now.
I love this video, I know all the lyrics and I can’t stop singing all day ! Yoga PAAAAANTS <3 Hart you're the best
this is my favourite video of yours … I remember watching this in high school and just feeling so loved … and accepted all because of you Hart … idc how much you evolve as a person… youtuber …. entertainer … I will always keep your queirdness in my heart where ever I go and call on it when I need a reminder to love being myself <3 I really do love you gurl and I can't wait for you to reach 1 million <3
“I’mafeel beautiful just like like a big girl should!” LOVE that. And the dance. And the whole sentiment. Anyway, that line keeps playing in my head the last few months.
listening to this on repeat.
completley amazing
thank you for making my day 😀
I’m a yoga teacher and I LOVE this video. And maybe since I teach in NYC, I see all kinds of yoga pants on all types of bodies and it’s cool. This is New York. Thanks Hart!
This is the only video that really matters.
woow i love you, i went to that school with the girls who did that yoga pants video, so its amazing to see you fend for people who are miles away and build up confidence for people all around.I admire you and you have a great heart! keep up the great work!
You are amazing! Those girls went to the high school I graduated from last year and it was just disgraceful. Keep rocking the yoga pants!
Love it!!! You go girl!!
i absolutely love you. just started watching your videos and ive been in tears with the last three videos ive watched. thank you haha
Oh my gosh I love this so much. thank you for making me smile on a terrible night.
I love that I keep finding these little gems of yours Hart lmfao! This was BRILLIANT Yoga Pants Yoga….Pants.
This is literally the best thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to watch it every day for inspiration
Lmaooo!! i haven’t laughed that genuinely in a while!!! Thx Hart!!
p.s. i feel like i have huge dimples every time I smile/laugh while watching your videos..
p.p.s. it makes me feel that much more attractive.
This was seriously great 😀 This is probably one of the best response videos I’ve ever seen.
LMFAO!! I have watched this video like 4 times already. Laughing so hard, I peed a little. Just saying. I love you, Hart!!!