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These Incredible Wedding Gowns Are Made Of Toilet Paper! | Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Challenge

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Judges decide which of these incredible handmade wedding gowns wins the cultural category of the Toilet Paper Wedding Dress Challenge.

Catch Say Yes to the Dress on TLC – Sky 133, Virgin 162, BT TV 323

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    1. Basil Lopez

      It’s good but it’s not original. I’ve seen a lot of designers especially from the Philippines who did bird feathers themed gowns made of newspapers or recycled plastic materials. Although the intricacy of details are better than the winner. Only that the winner’s silhouette and pattern is more flattering.

    2. MrsSlocombes PuddyCat

      Yes. Totally agree. The toilet paper dress was amazing. The leaf sandals, the wings, the animals, were fantastic. But I thought that Monty and that young floppy guy (don’t know his name) were pretty condescending towards her. Agreed that the dress and her efforts were totally under valued and under appreciated

  1. Giss Mary Thomas

    That snarky comment was uncalled for. She worked hard and she made it, so encourage and appreciate her. And damn that star dress is so pretty. I hope they make that dress in real clothes because i would buy that one.

    1. RiddlesAndRoses

      I’m going to Randy. Monte was….really unpleasant. Those wings were beautiful, and she even said that it was the hardest part! It looks like a forest fairy-lively. It’s packed, which makes it lively and eccentric.

    1. Remembertosmile

      I was between the star dress and the one that won. I like both of them. The sleeves on the star one were so amazing. But the details on the bodice of the winning one… I wouldn’t be able to decide between them.

  2. aidenangola

    Hundreds of hours spent on making an haute couture dress (out of toilet paper, no less!) only to be judged so quickly by a panel consisting of 2 dudes who don’t know how to wear socks with their suits.

  3. Vanessa

    Monty and the Zanna really pulled a “ mean girls” moment there with the nice to your face / horrible as you turn around move.
    Acting like they love it , then shooing her away & saying “ it was a hot mess” and “ i agree” laughing at her was so uncalled for. Like she was beneath them.
    Don’t do that. Being a horrible human for no reason. It’s a fun competition. Don’t make it ugly.

  4. Estelle Dupont

    Why would you say that Monty. Hot mess ? For a first timer I think her work was really impressive. May not be your style, but let’s see if you can make a dress out of toilet paper with your own little hands. Then we’ll talk about what looks like a hot mess.

  5. flamingpie herman

    I realize the judges were looking only at the aesthetic value with the one they chose although I did like the one they chose! I felt that Monty shouldn’t have criticized the moms entry. For a first-timer that was awesome and she had a lot of detail granted she did not need the owl that was Overkill.

    1. Louve Rousse

      No, instead of saying you can’t do things , why not try ? Won’t be perfect at first , but practice makes perfect ! I am a creator, I work with yarn, threads etc, at first I made many mistakes , took my projects appart, started over again. Just kept trying !

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