Top 10 Most Expensive Wedding Dresses In The World
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In this video we'll try to answer the following questions:
What is the most expensive wedding dress in the world?
How much does the most expensive wedding dress cost?
What is the price for the world's most expensive dress?
Who had the most expensive dress at the wedding?
What is the costliest wedding dress?
What is the most expensive diamond wedding dress?
How much was Kate Middleton's wedding dress?
What is the most expensive wedding?
How much should you spend on the wedding dress?
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It’s weird cause the more expensive the dress was priced the uglier it got
Number 1 looks like lingerie
Obsolutely correct?
Number 1 wasn’t that good I preferred the one worth Angela Baby & Kate Middleton.
exactly what I was going to say
For most of them cos some were really nice
Tbh Kate, Amal, and Victoria’s dresses where the only nice ones
I liked Princess Diana’s dress along with Kate’s, Amal’s and Victoria ‘s gowns.
You forgot Princess Diana’s was beautiful too
@sophia j.apoor ones…
I agree
So true hey y’all
Poor peacocks!!
Their feathers grow back ?️??
@Penelope Collett &q+q!
Agree if birds not sacrificed, but no account of such if countless beautiful birds died! If so, this outrageous cruelty to animals & then dress never used, an outrage!
Indeed the designers vanity seems at play here, again if birds died she should be shamed!!
….. Why only think the worst? Peacocks naturally drop their feathers and these could have easily been collected to make this dress. I have loads of feathers from peacocks that are still alive and strutting around gardens. EDIT: Thought the dress was gorgeous
Same. I wonder how many peacocks were either slaughtered, or picked alive (I know they do that to ostriches when they’re alive) to get all those feathers. And it’s so damn ugly too. Bird feathers only look good on birds.
When a wedding dress costs more than your house….
Especially when you only wear it once in your life
When a wedding dress costs more than all the houses in your town….
*_Victoria Swarovski’s Michael Cinco gown was beyond gorgeous♥️✨_*
Agree. She looks like a Princess
I love Princess Diana but never cared for her wedding dress, too big and pouffy for my taste. She did look beautiful in any case. Different strokes for diff folks I guess.
Diana’s dress was GHASTLY!! Thought so at the time!!
It was right for the era, 1980s. Also it fitted the romantic theme and the setting, St Paul’s.
Diana said years later the dress was way “too much”. If she had to do it over, she would have had something much more simple. Of course, that comment reflected a new day and a more mature woman. (I think she became more beautiful, the older she got).
You also have to remember the dress fit the time period
Her dress looked phenomenal on her but if I wore it I would look like the marshmallow from ghostbusters
It was the height of the 1980’s
I though number 1 would be beautiful but it’s actually not that nice – anyone agree??
It is just nice not worth price or the hype.
Tori Brown Was a bit disappointed that it turned out to be a mermaid gown.
The bodice was too low (prob the weight of all those diamonds!) and the tulle headdress was way too much (just like Melanias). Keep it simple and elegant ladies.
Tori Brown ya not alone ?? I thought so too
Victoria Browne i agree!
Money doesn’t make things beautiful…
@Letizia Roswell true
Actually money can do make things beautiful , their taste is the problem?
Catherine’s (Kate) dress is most beautiful among this. It is classy , simple and beautiful.
@Dogsense Foru you literally stated EXACTLY why and how she gets things for free….as do all major celebrities, reps and officials. They “represent” local designers, doing them the favour of free advertising and exposure, whilst getting the opportunity to wear and sometimes own their clothing. Aside from this practice being the norm, these were THE most influential nuptials of the time, any designer would gift the dress.
Look up Princess Margaret’s wedding dress. It’s the same design, just used lace instead of silk chiffon for the bodice overlay and sleeves. The 1950s pointy bra cup was softened, and it was slightly more aline than the top of PMs skirt. Copy close copy none the less.
I have to agree with you. Out of all the dresses, she looks very nice. And clean.
@SA Inja woof Actually The Royal Family never take anything for free for many reasons*, however when doing formal engagements they are expected to wear British and Commonwealth designers in order to promote businesses in those countries…. (Kate always does) for the sake of the businesses and the countries in which they are located.
*RF must appear impartial at all times, RF has a salary and protection paid by taxes, small start up businesses would find it harder to compete, a ton of PR freebies would be arriving every day and British taxpayers would go nuts if it were found out RF were merching or getting freebies on top of their immense privilege (top of the list: having anyone in the world on speed dial!).
Catherine looked so stunning!
Wow your intro was WAY too long. Definitely the last vid I will watch of y’alls
The peacock dress made of the feathers, is so v cruel
Victoria swarobski Michael Cinco’s wedding dress design..proud
Idlef Nojaucab Victoria Swarovski
HRH Princesa Diana’s dress was beautiful according to her time , the train was beautiful
Amal Clooney’s dress was beautiful and she looked so elegant.
You mean “he”.
These aren’t even cute! The prettiest one was the Swarovski one!
i love princess diana’s, maybe because she’s the one to make the dress beautiful.
@Linda Kight Well that was what was fashionable back then. Taste in fashion is subjective.
I hated the dress . It was too big and swallowed her up, and the fabric was awful . When she got out of the car it was a wrinkled mess . Who picked that fabric ?
All I can say is in some cases, money cannot buy taste. A few of these were more than tacky.
Kate’s looked like it came from Walmart
I Love Amal’s
Good thing JLo didn’t marry Ben Affleck. That peacock gown was a shocker.
Style changes over time sweetie
Omg! The peacock dress was horrid!
Hey Aluxers, how much should one spend on a wedding dress?
Most expensive wedding venues:
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Most expensive celebrity wedding dresses:
Most expensive wedding cakes:
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Most expensive champagne: I paid £1500 for my first wedding dress, paid £20 for my second I’m in a small town in Australia and I spent $1200 in 2016. The most expensive dresses were $2400. Also, we pay for our own dresses in Australia. Is that an American tradition (to pay for the dress) ?
As a german the most beautiful for the least possible money?
Ely Medina NAILS Stephen Colbert
Colbert Stephencolphen Colbert
money can’t buy taste
Best comment on here
I so agree these dresses are ugly.
Soo true
Or you have cheap taste and your taste is horrible
@Names Regine Not for 380,000. This dress is not worth it.
Melania’s was the worst…
She has no taste…..
@Zaara Rahman How about Madonna wedding dress when she marry Sean Penn in 1985 at California ?
The diamond dress was the worst
Why would anyone expect taste in Melania Trump?
Look what she married.
Look what she is.
Two tacky, crass, amoral, nasty, trashy (imo) sociopaths.
Just doubled the ugly.
Not as gross as the husband ?