Tummy Shaper Track Pants Bras n More | Zivame Sale Haul | Perkymegs Hindi
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Zivame Light Up Sale Haul. Tummy Shaper, Track Pants, Bras n More. Comfortable Lounge wear haul.
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Zivame's Light Up Salestarts on 26th October. Buy 2 Get 1 Free, Cash on Delivery and Easy 15 days Exchange and Returns.
Products Links:
Transparent Back Bra
Tummy and Waist Shaper
Lounge Flared Pants
Lounge Top
Lounge Jogger Pants
Lounge Sweat Shirt
मेरा इंग्लिश फैशन & ब्यूटी Channel (Perkymegs)
*Disclaimer: This video is in association with Zivame
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Disclaimer: The information provided on this channel is for general purpose only. All the products are purchased by me unless otherwise mentioned and the reviews & opinions expressed are completely honest. I am not an expert in this field and everything shown and expressed on this channel is based on my experience. All the content and images on this channel belongs to me and are protected under copyright law. Kindly do no copy or reproduce content without my prior explicit permission.
Really di your efforts for your work really we see in your vedioes ??? this is the turru lobe of your passionate work?
Aww thanks Varsha
Diii u r awesome….love the way u describe everything very welll?
Thank you Megha for this useful video. ❤❤❤
Di,you are really very very pure hearted and navi is also very very cutie❤️❤️❤️like you.
Lots of love to you cuties????❤️❤️
Please give a review on the tummy tucker, I’ve heard such kind usually aren’t very sturdy, they roll down.
I love the way you explain about the Accessories
So beautiful today Meghadi?? make a vlog on ‘A day with Navu’
You’re really great…beautiful
Most genuine reviewer in you tube..please keep it up..
Aankho me hi purity hai ❤️❤️
Du know megha I started watching ur vedios since u ve uploaded how to convert anarkali kurti to lehengha ..from dat day I continuously watch ur vedios
All i can say is …..thank you
Pure hearted lady i see first time ????
I strongly agree with this.
Hi …I heard that,we can not use for(Tummy tuck) long time ,and after having food it’s more difficult to maintain.
Di ur choice n collection too gud ????
Love ur all videos ❤️? mam?
Apka bolne ka tarika is so sweet.I love it.
Thankyou so much for this video
So pretty di❤️❤️