Why Girls REALLY Wear YOGA PANTS & Low Cal Protein PANCAKES
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The easiest 10 minute recipe to low calorie fluffy af protein pancakes, my light cardio session and responding to some comments about yoga pants and flattering gym looks.
VITL (personalised vitamins):
Muscle Foods (10% off UK): MOLLY10
1 cup oats
3 scoops protein powder
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp cinnamon
3 egg whites
1 cup milk / (soya milk)
drops of Muscle Foods Stevia
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I wasted my 12 minutes 37 seconds listening to this girl whining and crying about yoga pants or leggings
She’s hot until she opens her mouth. Ya i had to bug out after about half a minute of suffering from whinosis.
yoga pants are the best invention
Great video! I didn’t realise wearing leggings was even an issue, it’s all I see girls wearing at my gym and all that most sports shop sell the most off! X
“My eternal desire to forever be naked has just been realized.” That statement was hilarious!! ? Good for you Molly on sticking up for yourself and other women ????
Leggings make the world go around??
Please don’t stop wearing them??
“In those days man will be lover of self”, ????.
hahahah yesssssssss girl PREACH
omg loved this :DD
loool you’re so funny :,D
I’m so obsessed with the fact you made this video!!!!! You’re the best molly. Looking good is feeling good who cares. Everyones just looking for something to complain about. You’re the best!
great response to such misinformed comments! 🙂 love your videos and excited for your next story time – that was the best!
You do you girl! ?????
I am so shocked at some of those comments, I can’t believe it oh my lord!!! Seriously wtf!!!!
“You got me, I forever want to be naked” ?? you’re hilarious
Libby Sellers bahaha thank you
Molly, this is a great video and I love how you responded to the ignorance. ❤❤
Body Soul Spirit Fitness awh thank you!! ❤️
I bought these great adidas sweats to wear during the winter. It is one of my biggest regrets because they don’t stretch enough for squats/ splits. I bought leggings and i’m never going back. Also, I have seen guys in the gym wear no shirt or cut a shirt into 2 tiny strips that reveal everything while flexing in the mirror and looking at themselves. No one is calling them out.
Molly you’re so cute! ? I like to wear leggings because I’ve been working on that booty and I’m proud of it! They motivate me to work harder ??
Kiki’s Makeup Service awh thank you!!
You’re beautiful, wear what ever works best for the workout!
YASSSS GIRL ? love your humour, and this was so spot on!
K Bear hahah thank you beautiful!!
WOW YOU’RE MY FAVOURITE EVER,, this is so great