Why men wear pants and women wear skirts ǀ Fashion history ǀ Justine Leconte
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Why do men wear pants and women wear skirts or dresses? It might sound like a trivial question in Western countries, but actually this matter of fashion history and of fashion culture is rooted way back in time.
Egyptians, Incas, Chinese emperors, Greek citizens and Roman conquerors were wearing skirts or dresses. So when did the switch happen? Since when are men expected to wear trousers while until recently, women were supposed to stick to skirts?
The answer might surprise you!
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#fashion #history
OMG – kilts for everyone! 😉
In The Arabic culture men wear full length garments similar to dresses and I think it’s very comfortable and practical and chic all at the same time.
Yes, they are (Am a Muslim) But I also like the kilts as well. I will never wear a down to my ankles kilt too femiemal.
It’s very much the same for historical clothing. Many people ask “aren’t you hot in those long sleeves and long skirts? With all those layers?”
And the answer is no. As long as you wear a lightweight fabric that is a natural fibre, such as linen or cotton, and you have it in a lighter colour, it protects you from the sun and keeps you much cooler than in a short sleeved modern outfit (especially one made out of plastic fibre!)
And as for the skirts- long swishy skirts are definitely cooler! Especially if you’re wearing a crinoline, you’ve then got a lot of room around your legs for airflow. If your legs start to get a bit warm, you just swish your skirts from side to side, and you create a breeze around your legs!
And of course, covering up from the sun also prevents sun damage to your skin, and most importantly, skin cancer! I’m currently trying to make myself a good summer wardrobe with long sleeves and longer skirts in lovely natural fibre fabrics to try to protect my skin more from the sun. It’s very important, as I live in the country with the highest UV rating in the world, and also unfortunately, the highest skin cancer rates in the world (Australia). But I’ll have to make it all myself, I think. Because shops just don’t sell that type of clothing anymore- it’s all short sleeves and shorter skirts, and usually made out of plastic. No thank you!
Historically, men in the Scottish highlands wore kilts, which are basically skirts.
Nada Majdy I agree. Men should be able to wear skirts. It is cooler to in hot climates.
oh yes. Lots of my male friends wear that kind of clothes and in my opinion they look cool!
Justine, really you need to write a history of fashion book ( or something similar) great video!
Yes please!
Hear, hear!
I think it will take some time for the idea of men in skirts to become just something normal. The stage of breaking the norm is the challenging part. Great topic ❤
Skirts don’t have to be feminine.
Never tell a Scotsman he is wearing a skirt!! He might kilt you.
Am wearing a kilt right now and that was most insulting to me. Like you said I DANG NEAR Kilt Her.
Kilt’s were actually invented by the english to mock the Scottish
@Damian Yerrick Cross dressing is a bullshit concept anyhow.
It’s called a “kilt” because that’s what happened to the last person who called a Scotsman a cross-dresser.
I’d like to know the history about women under clothes like bra, corset and stockings.
@Angie Roblox ice Knowledge should be open to everything, no matter what it is.
Are you a woman then? If ur not then, I-I-it’s p-privacy but okay.
look it up on youtube, there’s an excellent lecture I watched – fascinating
Fun fact for people in the comments/wandering around youtube who’ve never been up close and personal with a real kilt: they’re bloody heavy. Several kilos sometimes. The fabric is incredibly dense, and there’s a LOT of it. They’re extremely easy to move in because the pleats are numerous and deep, and they’re great at a ceilidh because they flare out really dramatically 🙂
True, because they originally doubled as warm bedding for Highlanders at war with each other and the English. My late husband was a Scot who wore the kilt as a little schoolboy. He said that scotsmen learned to swing their butts proudly to make the kilt swing properly as they walked! No trotting about for them.
In many areas men where a cloth around their waist. Like a skirt
Ben P – A man in a Utilikilt is sooo sexy! Several guys that I know wear i t, and they love it!
My high school would make us wear full length proper kilts in the winter, they were so warm. It was like going to school in a blanket
My son wore his kilt to his wedding in northern Australia. I do not advice others to follow, because he was far too hot. My husband used to wear a skirt similar to the men on Polynesian Islands in Summer. He was cool & comfortable. An example of two skirts that were perfect for the climates they came from, kilt in cold climates & the cotton type for hot climates.
Trying to figure out a way to get my man to wear a kilt………. hmmmm…. with no shirt of course.
Hang out at the local Highland Games and get him one with a macho tool belt.
That makes me think of Jean-Paul Gauthier and his male skirt – I love this mindset – nothing is unquestionable – and I think it’s something you live up to as well, in a very thought-intensive yet graceful way 🙂
since you’re busy, i have a silly idea for a quick video; pronounce french words that are used in english (croissant, bourgeois, route, bureau, etc) in your french way & then try to impersonate americans/english or other english-speaking countries. it could be fun!
This was a game the family I worked in as an au pair liked to tease me with, since my French was fluent: say an English sentence with a French accent! They would scream laughing then try to say a French sentence with an English accent! They were a nice family.
Croissant is pronounced this way: K-HOSAU with the a and u being pronounced with a little bit of nasal
so men n boy should wear skirts lol
Liza Soliman i
Jessica Beyer but the duvet isn’t the case. The duvet is the fluffy “blanket”. What you put around it is a duvet cover 🙂
In the very west part of Germany, we say “plumeau” for that, also french origin. 🙂
Just reading through the comments. Your videos are thought provoking, interesting and sophisticated. They inspire intelligent and civilized discussion that is not often found on Youtube!
Thanks. And I agree with another viewer…please write a book on fashion history. I’m sure you’d find a unique perspective.
And I love that you don’t judge – you just say how it was/is. Which leaves room to think for yourself. Good job as always Justine!
That’s interesting! I’m a fashion designer and anthropologist! So I totally understand what you’re talking about! LOVE THIS! Thank You Justine!
Oh I WOW! Those are my two favorite topics! WOW! Amazing career you have!
Why don’t men wear more skirts?
” Girls can wear jeans
And cut their hair short
Wear shirts and boots
‘Cause it’s OK to be a boy
But for a boy to look like a girl is degrading
‘Cause you think that being a girl is degrading” – Madonna – What it feels like for a girl
Let’s not forget that women adopted pants later on as a way to emancipate themselves. Clothes are extremely symbolic.
@E. S. But it should be acepted if they wanted to
There is a LOT of man-hating and false victimization in this comment section, and, as a woman, I find it ridiculous and offensive. Historically, men have NOT had easier lives than women (intense manual labor, war, etc.), and many of the sacrifices they made were for the women and families they loved – it had nothing to do with misogyny.
Historically, men and women assumed different roles based on their skills and the needs of the time.
Stop assuming victimhood, ladies – it is unattractive and demeaning. I, for one, am very grateful for the differences between the sexes and for men’s great contributions. God bless testosterone!!
Henry Ettoit – No one’s triggered except perhaps. . . you?
Have always thought this why do people think it is so wrong for a man to wear a skirt
@Sarah Hávilla Melo Oliveira I wear altered v-necks and a black faux leather wrap skirt with opaque tights every day during the fall and winter. I also wear heel boots made for men from asos and I look awesome.
Loooooove the video Justine!! I was just asking this question only this morning during a brunch conversation. Some girls in schools have started to wear shorts under their skirts so the boys could not take photo with mobile phone cams underneath.
I always prefer trousers as I find them much more practical, but each to their own. I do have dresses ans skirts in my wardrobe.
The men in the video pics do look great in their skirts and sarongs, and robes…
Thank you for your wonderful and educational video. Happy Easter from Ely in England xx
I had a boyfriend who would wear dresses and long skirts as part of his style which was gothic/death rock and it looked great on him. Actually it’s not uncommon to find skirts for men in a gothic clothes store
Yes, I used to hang out with a group of metalheads and among them was this very manly guy, who’d make his own skirts and looked totally badass in them.
Victoria Gonzalez In the 90’s I remember being in a Gothic clothing store, and I saw a skirt that was labeled “one-legged pants”. 🙂
Victoria Gonzalez
The greater stylistic freedom afforded by the gothic aesthetic might be a reason I was attracted to the subculture in the first place. I live in an area where wearing makeup and women’s clothing would be extremely socially taboo, at best, and a potential risk to your safety, at worst, in any context OTHER than in a gothic style.
Susanna Holdren that has to be the best representation of fragile masculinity I’ve ever heard. “One legged pants” hahahahahah?
In the Arabian Peninsula, men wear long white gowns which is mainly known as “Thobe” . The way that its worn and styled varies depending on the country. For example: the Saudi Thobe tends to be more loose on the body but the Qatari one is more tailored similar to how Italian suits are tailored.
As they say in Scotland, it takes a real man to wear a skirt ?
If anyone said that in Cowal Place they’d get kicked out
History of short pants
But they must not be wearing underpants. That’s a big no-no (I’m a Scotswoman).
It’s technically a skirt. I have a kilt and a wrap skirt and they look identical. Only difference is one has pleats and the other one doesn’t.
Wow, liked this video very much! I would also love if more and more men wear skirts. In the southern part of India, men wear traditional skirts, mostly in white colour which goes well with the warm and humid weather.
Fascinating. The quotes from the bible were really interesting, makes you wonder how many other bits have suffered a total change in meaning down the centuries…..most I’d guess. Happy Easter Sunday!
To you too!
Stacey Mcalister True!
When I was in college about 20 years ago, a young man wrote a sarong to class one hot day. While expressions were mixed I thought it suited him and was quite refreshing ?