Yoga Pants – Tim Hawkins Greatest Hits & Bits
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From Tim Hawkins' "Greatest Hits & Greatest Bits" – Get it now at Tim's online store: – This new 2 DVD collection of Tim's best includes 3+ hours of live songs, stand-up bits, and music videos + BONUS rare archived footage from his early career.
“feels so good on my cheeks” that gets me every time ???
“Well any normal person would leave it alone/But I’m not a normal person and nobody was home” That part gets me every time xD
That part is one of the best parts of the whole song.
Truly one of the best lyrics lines ever!
He makes me laugh every time!
I’m a new widow. Without Tim Hawkins, I’d probably never laugh.
Thanks to Tim Hawkins, I still do some times.
“Any normal person would leave this alone, but I’m not a normal person and nobody was home.” XD that’s killed me.
Upon hearing that, I knew where he was going.
I was listening to the radio and I heard this song, and it was the most beautifully random event of my life. Now I can’t stop listening to it.
And he has SO much more out there! ?❤
What station was it on
Tim Hawkins is hilarious. Vote THUMBS UP if you want Tim Hawkins streaming/DVDs on Netflix.
@thousand foot deep end ,,, , , , , , , ㅋ ㅊ что, Z ,, , Z Z Z , , я я x z , , , Z Z Z, я я , , x z , , zz, , , я я , Z x ㅋ ㅋ ,, , я
I don’t even have Netflix, but YES. lol
Saw him in Troy Mi. two weeks ago. Great show!
My absolute favorite song Tim has ever created!
Yes! He calls it the most dumbest song he’s ever wrote, but I agree with u it’s the best song he’s ever written
He could win American Idol with this song xD
Tim is amazingly gifted and hilarious!
U first
I’m singing this for the talent show
@transparent91 you must be fun at parties
Good luck
RubbleTea hell yay ??????
@transparent91 lots of people perform other peoples songs for talent shows!
please don’t. Copying isn’t a talent. Seeing as this would be considered a comedy routine and not a musical or singing feat. You’d basically be copying someone’s comedy routine. Unless you’re going as an impersonator I don’t see the “talent” in you performing this
Saw him live tonight in Colorado. TOOOO funny!! I honestly think he is the best stand-comedian in America today.
This man is fantastic! I laughed so hard I was gasping.
Never gets old. One of the the greatest bits from a fantastic comedian. Great for a smile at the end of the day. Can anybody imagine why 122 people would give it a thumbs down?
I agree and nice last name
Just found out about Tim Hawkins! He makes me laugh out loud every single time!
My church showed me this one Wednesday night and this is awesome!
My favorite song from him by-far!!!
I have probably already watched this video a million times?
This song is sooooo stuck in my head. I LOVE it!
so have i
I showed this to one of my friends and she almost peed herself laughing so hard!!!! She couldn’t breathe for a few seconds!! Hahahahah
never has gotten old
I know right
I know right
@marshall elkins I memorized this song
i’ve watched this thing like 50 times
I laughed so hard! I Loved it!
This is great and yes, we love our Yoga Pants!!