Yoga Pants To Work?!
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Is it really a good idea to wear yoga pants to work? John and Hannah tell you if you should wear yoga pants at work.
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Most workplaces have very prohibitive clothing norms. It can’t be anything flashy, provocative or fun.
As a Superhero in training, I think Yoga pants distract us men from our Heroic duties.
@Alex S. lol well I am still in training.
That means you aren’t ready to be a hero
+Harleelove *Same Thing
+The Kareful Koala samn thing
+Harleelove leotards actually
Hannah could at least have modeled some yoga pants. Sheesh.
yoga pants and leggings tend to be EXTEREMLY see through and when someone bends down you can see EVERYTHING. jeans you cant see any of that.
I can see how it would be nice on SOME people but on others…. not so much.
That’s why we like Leggings
Depends on the job. TYT is obviously going to be okay with it but a Fortune 500 company likely will not.
I’m in the stem field (computer science to be exact) , so I can totally get away with it if its subtle in style
I’m betting you make the same if not more than your male associates?
A real empowered woman. Instead of taking a gender studies degree than complaining why there aren’t many women in higher paying jobs and in the stem field, you should just get a degree to get a higher paying job.
Props to you
+Yesenia Velasco A female computer scientist? Here, take my like.
Tight jeans can give the false impression that a woman’s butt is way shapelier and tighter than it really is. Yoga pants let you know exactly what you are in for.
One point for John, zero for Banana
Just don’t get offended if someone is checking out the goods.
@Kilkie Goldaron you have to make sure that they are bads, not goods
+Stanley Hudson who would check out the bads though ?
+Greg Raines and the bads…
It’s not a good idea, it’s an amazing idea!
I think if you wear Yoga pants anywhere other than the gym or other place you actually exercise, you have no right to be offended if people are staring at your butt.
John is right! Looking at all the cool patterns on women’s yoga pants at the gym is awesome. lmao
yoga pants are for the gym not job. We expect a little decency at the work place. It is a place of business not a night club or street corner. I feel it is extremely unprofessional. Company’s need to put this in the dress code and ban yoha pants.
+morris donald Yoga pants are sexy though……. So.
I don’t know how y’all got it in your mind that you should be “comfortable” in the pants you wear to work.. Like, no be comfortable at home, be appropriate at work.
Depends on the job though
Can we see Hanna’s pants from front and back, for science
lmfao dude xD
I think it’d be fine, why shouldn’t you feel comfortable at work, it’d be different if you worked in service or in a position were you have to present yourself to the public in a professional setting or to make an impression, but if you work at a place like TYT or Google or some business where your job doesn’t require you to be on display or interact with others outside your office why not where what makes you comfortable
+17spyguy Exactly! Only banking jobs should be strictly professional attire.
I wish I could be as confident and outgoing as John.
@Jock Nel 😀
@Stanley Hudson Haha, brilliant. You win the internet today.
@Jock Nel did I stutter?
@Stanley Hudson Well yeah, kind of implied 🙂 Go back to doing your crossword puzzles now 😛
+Jock Nel and talkative and social. I really admire that of him
But they are actually called mumble pants!! 🙂
Cause you can see lips moving but cant hear what they are saying!
I f*ing wish it was acceptable! 🙁 I’d wear nothing else. I hate my work clothes with passion. >:( I feel like I’m a prisoner in them and can’t wait to take them off. Same with work shoes . Thankfully I’m allowed to wear no make up, which some girlfriends of mine are not. I hope in the future there will be clothes as comfortable as yoga pants and shoes as comfortable as trainers, which will be appropriate to wear in more formal situations